NPK Consortia

It is liquid biofertilizer with combination of three bacteria (Nitrogen fixing bacteria, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria and Potash mobilizing bacteria). Nitrogen fixing bacteria which fixes atmospheric nitrogen, converts it into ammonia and makes it available to the plants. It also converts insoluble form of nitrogen into soluble form. Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) & Potash Mobilizing Bacteria release insoluble phosphates & Potash present in soil. It releases various acids and enzymes which help to solubilise unavailable form of phosphorus and potash being present in soil and chemical fertilizers. NFB, PSB and PMB can fix nitrogen and mobilize phosphorus and potash to the plant about 30-50 kg/ha and saves up to 25-30% cost of chemical fertilizer.

  • Composition: Bacterial Content: 1.5 %
    Final to make 100 % with Q.S
  • Bacteria: Azotobacter, Bacillus spp and Frateuria aurentia
  • Benefitted Crops: For all crops.
  • Dosage: 500ml / Acre for soil application or drenching
  • Potency: 2×109 CFU/ml-Azotobacter chroococum, 2×109 CFU/ml-Bacillus megaterium and 2×109 CFU/ml- Frateuria aurentia
  • Packing: 250 ml
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kisan major rich npk